Sunday, February 27, 2011

First, I have learned that there are a set of technology standards for teachers and students which have been established by the International Standards for Technology in Education. Just reading them and reflecting on my teaching strategies helped me assess how well I align with them. By following my GAME plan I have learned that technology should be an integral tool in my classroom. The two goals I chose will help me be a better role model for my students and create a more open line of communication with students and parents.

In reference to 3c (communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats), I have learned that this is a vital element of my profession. Parents today are very busy, and sometimes an e-mail or a class calendar that announces upcoming tests, projects, etc. is a valuable avenue with which they can stay connected to their student’s educational progress. Also, attaching links to my web page to documents containing class notes and daily activities helps me stay in touch with absentees. It gives them a detailed account of what they missed and holds them accountable for the information and assignments given in their absence.

One immediate adjustment I will make to my instructional practice is to review each unit of study and evaluate how technology could help my students interact with the curriculum. Another adjustment I will make is to ask students to be a part of the implementation process. I will need to release some of the accountability for learning to the students. They must learn to become their own advocate for knowledge as their future roles in society will require this. I will ask for their input when creating assessment rubrics as well as for lists of technology components with which they are interested in working that create opportunities for research that will help them understand the historical settings of our literature readings.

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