GAME Plan for NETS-T
Two of the indicators in which I need to strengthen my confidence is NETS-T 3c and 3d. In reference to 3c (communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats) I have a Goal to utilize my webpage on our school’s web site more than I have in the past. One Action for this indicator is to complete the calendar portion from January to May with the units to be covered and dates for major grades. This will be a very relevant way to communicate information to students and parents. A second Action is to create a link so that students can access class notes and assignments when they are absent. I will Monitor this Action by uploading class information after school each day as well as asking for student help to upload the information. I will Evaluate and Extend my learning by talking with and collecting student feedback about absences and missed work. Another Action for communicating is through the ‘Quick Note’ and ‘Student Note’ sections of our grade book program. Parents, and students, can look up grades on our Parent Portal which contains a section for teacher comments. I want to be diligent to add comments to the assignments i.e. “This was an open book quiz” or attached to an individual student’s grade i.e. “Student did not bring needed materials to class”. I will Monitor this Action on Fridays by checking through the grade book to make sure comments are added to assignments/individual students as needed.
In reference to 3d, (model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning) my Goal is to implement modeling one new digital tool in the next unit we cover. My Action for this will be to choose the technology that can best enrich the lesson for learning the objectives for the unit as suggested by Caitlin Thompson (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010b). I do not want to insert technology merely for the sake of using technology. It must, as Ertmer explains, help the students interact with the content (Laureate Education, Inc. 2010a). One possible addition is the podcast through which students could present a class project. I will Monitor my progress by asking a colleague who has used podcasts before to collaborate with me and help me set a time frame for implementing the technology. I will Evaluate my Goal by having students give an assessment of the tool’s effectiveness as well as their suggestions for the next time that tool is implemented in the curriculum.
By following these GAME plans for NETS-T 3c and 3d I hope to enrich the classroom experience for my students and expand my pedagogy. My students should be motivated to increase their own use of new digital technologies when they see me modeling these indicators.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010a). Enriching content area learning experiences with technology, part 1 [Webcast]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore: Author.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010b). Enriching content area learning experiences with technology, part 2 [Webcast]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore: Author.
ReplyDeleteWell first, bravo with your webpage. This is something I would love to do and have not had the opportunity to do so this year. I continue to do the weekly paper newsletter which I must admit is getting old. I would love to be able to communicate with parents and students via the internet and have current information and assignments available for families .I think the details of your webpage will give great insight to what is going on within the classroom. There is just one problem, I don't know how to do the setup. I am going to make it a goal to reach out to colleagues and work on this for next year. Luck with your game plan!
ReplyDeleteYour podcast idea is a great one. Even though one of our courses had us create a podcast, this technology is one that I am still unsure how best to use. I would be extremely intereseted to hear how yours went when it is finished. I am unsure if my hesitation is due to my lack of experience or to the fact I am unsure how much my students would use this type of technology. I guess the only way will be for me to find out. It's possible a podcast could be used in place of a book report. I will definitely be checking back to see your progress and success with podcasting.
Mrs. Blankenship,
ReplyDeleteHi! Don't feel bad about not having a web page. It is a requirement for our school web site. Plus, we have a great IT team that gave us links, etc. that walked us through the steps to build a basic page. It is up to us to fill in as much as we want. I would like to spend more time on it so that it can be a more valuable resource for parents/students. Our IT guys send us a statistics e-mail update every few weeks that tells us how many hits we have had and what sections people have searched so that we can add and change things as necessary. Maybe you could talk to your IT person and ask them to help you set up a web page. I will let you know how the podcasts go!
I was a little intimidated by the idea of using podcasts because I know so little about them myself. However, as our resources are helping us to embrace, actually learning together with the students can be a great way to demonstrate to our students our own technology skills in progress. Remember, a podcast can simply be having students add music and/or narration to a power point show. I plan to start simple assigning four or five students to a group (so that they can help each other) which will present one project together. Like you said, we will just have to start in with the different tech resources and roll with the punches of the learning curve!